October 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Oct 1 01:49:23 EST 2008
Ending: Thu Oct 30 20:48:48 EST 2008
Messages: 229
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Daniel Gorín
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Daniel Gorín
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Daniel Gorín
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Daniel Gorín
- base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10)
José Pedro Magalhães
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
José Pedro Magalhães
- base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10)
José Pedro Magalhães
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
José Pedro Magalhães
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
José Pedro Magalhães
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Alfonso Acosta
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Lennart Augustsson
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Lennart Augustsson
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Bayley, Alistair
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Jules Bean
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Jules Bean
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was: Breakage
with 6.10)
Niklas Broberg
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
Niklas Broberg
- base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10)
Niklas Broberg
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
Niklas Broberg
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
Niklas Broberg
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
Niklas Broberg
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
Manuel M T Chakravarty
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage [or: combining packages to
yield new type correct programs]
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- Control.Exception
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Duncan Coutts
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Duncan Coutts
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Duncan Coutts
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Duncan Coutts
- cabal-
Duncan Coutts
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Breakage with 6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
Duncan Coutts
- Releasing extralibs
Duncan Coutts
- Releasing extralibs
Duncan Coutts
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Duncan Coutts
- [Haskell-cafe] Hackage and GUI (was Hackage status with GHC
6.10 release candidate)
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Duncan Coutts
- cabal
Duncan Coutts
- cabal
Duncan Coutts
- Getting the location of data files from ghc-pkg?
Duncan Coutts
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected, depends on order
Jason Dagit
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Jason Dagit
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Jason Dagit
- Type classes in GADTs
Jason Dagit
- ghc-6.11 + OpenGL/GLUT crashes on WinXP
Conal Elliott
- [Haskell-cafe] ghc-6.11 + OpenGL/GLUT crashes on WinXP
Conal Elliott
- [Haskell-cafe] Re: ghc-6.11 + OpenGL/GLUT crashes on WinXP
Conal Elliott
- Type classes in GADTs
Daniil Elovkov
- 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Bertram Felgenhauer
- Building ghc-6.10 with ghc-6.6.1
Bertram Felgenhauer
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Daniel Fischer
- Parsec in 6.10 RC 1
Greg Fitzgerald
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build (Solaris/x86
Karel Gardas
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build (Solaris/x86
Karel Gardas
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build (Solaris/x86
Karel Gardas
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build (Solaris/x86
Karel Gardas
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
John Goerzen
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
John Goerzen
- Getting the location of data files from ghc-pkg?
Robin Green
- could ghci debugger search for free variables better?
Peter Hercek
- could ghci debugger search for free variables better?
Peter Hercek
- libedit-20080712-2.11 under x86 Solaris
Judah Jacobson
- libedit
Judah Jacobson
- Backspace in ghci-6.10.1-candidate
Judah Jacobson
- Backspace in ghci-6.10.1-candidate
Judah Jacobson
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Judah Jacobson
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Paul Jarc
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Paul Jarc
- could not find link destinations
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- file descriptors
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 beta
Matthias Kilian
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Lennart Kolmodin
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Lennart Kolmodin
- file descriptors
Antoine Latter
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Roman Leshchinskiy
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build
(Solaris/x86 buildbot)
Ian Lynagh
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build
(Solaris/x86 buildbot)
Ian Lynagh
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Ian Lynagh
- One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build
(Solaris/x86 buildbot)
Ian Lynagh
- Control.Exception
Ian Lynagh
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Ian Lynagh
- Breakage with 6.10
Ian Lynagh
- readEither in ghc-6.10. ?
Ian Lynagh
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Ian Lynagh
- Parsec in 6.10 RC 1
Ian Lynagh
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
Ian Lynagh
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Ian Lynagh
- Dilemma: DiffArray non-performance vs STArray non-readability
Ian Lynagh
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Ian Lynagh
- GHC on Solaris/SPARC?
Christian Maeder
- libedit
Christian Maeder
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Christian Maeder
- libedit
Christian Maeder
- libedit-20080712-2.11 under x86 Solaris
Christian Maeder
- libedit-20080712-2.11 under x86 Solaris
Christian Maeder
- MacPorts will use _only_ a ghc built with "port install ghc",
no other
Christian Maeder
- readEither in ghc-6.10. ?
Christian Maeder
- pandoc from cabal / MacPorts ?
Christian Maeder
- Testsuite Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Christian Maeder
- cabal
Christian Maeder
- cabal
Christian Maeder
- cabal
Christian Maeder
- SVN binding with Haskell
Christian Maeder
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Jan-Willem Maessen
- What a mess....
- What a mess....
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage [or: combining packages to
yield new type correct programs]
Simon Marlow
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage [or: combining packages to
yield new type correct programs]
Simon Marlow
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Simon Marlow
- could not find link destinations
Simon Marlow
- System.Process.runInteractiveCommand, exit_group ()
Simon Marlow
- ghc- binary refers to (non existent?)
Simon Marlow
- Control.Exception
Simon Marlow
- thread/socket behvior
Simon Marlow
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Simon Marlow
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Simon Marlow
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Simon Marlow
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Simon Marlow
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Simon Marlow
- Breakage with 6.10
Simon Marlow
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Simon Marlow
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Simon Marlow
- GHC 6.10 confusion
Simon Marlow
- thread/socket behvior
Simon Marlow
- cabal
Simon Marlow
- could ghci debugger search for free variables better?
Simon Marlow
- isTypeId, isValueId
Serge D. Mechveliani
- Backspace in ghci-6.10.1-candidate
Serge D. Mechveliani
- space in making 6.10.1-candidate
Serge D. Mechveliani
- Illegal type synonym family application in instance (Was:
Breakage with 6.10)
David Menendez
- base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10)
David Menendez
- GHC 6.10 confusion
Mitchell, Neil
- GHC 6.10 confusion
J. Garrett Morris
- GHC 6.10 confusion
J. Garrett Morris
- Instrumenting overlapping instances
J. Garrett Morris
- Instrumenting overlapping instances
J. Garrett Morris
- Hackage and GUI (was Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release
Matti Niemenmaa
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Bryan O'Sullivan
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Simon Peyton-Jones
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Simon Peyton-Jones
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- thread/socket behvior
Jeff Polakow
- thread/socket behvior
Jeff Polakow
- thread/socket behvior
Jeff Polakow
- thread/socket behvior
Jeff Polakow
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Claus Reinke
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Claus Reinke
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Claus Reinke
- breakage with Cabal-1.6
Claus Reinke
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
Claus Reinke
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Claus Reinke
- cabal
Claus Reinke
- Instrumenting overlapping instances
Claus Reinke
- Dilemma: DiffArray non-performance vs STArray non-readability
Claus Reinke
- Dilemma: DiffArray non-performance vs STArray non-readability
Claus Reinke
- Type classes in GADTs
C Rodrigues
- Type classes in GADTs
C Rodrigues
- Subtle difference between standard instances
David Sankel
- Control.Exception
Thomas Schilling
- space in making 6.10.1-candidate
Thomas Schilling
- [Haskell-cafe] I do not want to be a bitch,
but ghc-6.8.3 and haskell binary policy are really horrible.
Thomas Schilling
- Type classes in GADTs
Thomas Schilling
- More DPH
Austin Seipp
- GHC on Solaris/SPARC?
Elliott Slaughter
- GHC on Solaris/SPARC?
Elliott Slaughter
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage [or: combining packages to
yield new type correct programs]
Don Stewart
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Don Stewart
- thread/socket behvior
Don Stewart
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
Don Stewart
- Breakage with 6.10
Don Stewart
- Analysis of new packages breakages with ghc-6.10
Don Stewart
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- syb changes (Re: base-3 vs base-4 (Was: Breakage with 6.10))
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- gadt changes in ghc 6.10
Don Stewart
- [Haskell-cafe] 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release
Don Stewart
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Don Stewart
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Don Stewart
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Don Stewart
- What a mess....
Don Stewart
- More detail on breakage with ghc-6.10
Don Stewart
- Dilemma: DiffArray non-performance vs STArray non-readability
Don Stewart
- Subtle difference between standard instances
Don Stewart
- System.Process.runInteractiveCommand, exit_group ()
Johannes Waldmann
- System.Process.runInteractiveCommand, exit_group ()
Johannes Waldmann
- ghc- binary refers to (non existent?) libedit.so.0
Johannes Waldmann
- Control.Exception
Johannes Waldmann
- Control.Exception
Johannes Waldmann
- file descriptors
Johannes Waldmann
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Tyson Whitehead
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Tyson Whitehead
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Tyson Whitehead
- Strictness in data declaration not matched in assembler?
Tyson Whitehead
- has anyone built pandoc with MacPorts ?
Gregory Wright
- has anyone built pandoc with MacPorts ?
Gregory Wright
- Breakage with ghc-6.10
Ashley Yakeley
- ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.10.1 RC 1
Anatoly Yakovenko
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Bulat Ziganshin
- planning for ghc-6.10.1 and hackage
Bulat Ziganshin
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Bulat Ziganshin
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Bulat Ziganshin
- [Haskell-cafe] I do not want to be a bitch,
but ghc-6.8.3 and haskell binary policy are really horrible.
Bulat Ziganshin
- Is -fvia-C still needed?
- could ghci debugger search for free variables better?
Last message date:
Thu Oct 30 20:48:48 EST 2008
Archived on: Wed Jan 21 12:34:55 EST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).