gadt changes in ghc 6.10

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Thu Oct 30 12:53:31 EDT 2008

| > In your case the error message was:
| >
| > GADT.hs:26:56:
| >    GADT pattern match with non-rigid result type `Maybe a'
| >      Solution: add a type signature
| >    In a case alternative: I1 m' -> m'
| >    In the expression: case w' S of { I1 m' -> m' }
| >    In a case alternative: Wrap w' -> case w' S of { I1 m' -> m' }
| >
| And maybe the "add a type signature" can be more explicit? Like "add a
| type signature that makes the type of the result known at the matching
| point". Just a suggestion...

Good suggestion.  I've done that.


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