One stage2 compiler hanging around after head build (Solaris/x86 buildbot)

Karel Gardas karel.gardas at
Wed Oct 1 14:57:17 EDT 2008

Ian Lynagh wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 02:56:26PM +0200, Karel Gardas wrote:
>> -bash-3.2$ ps -fU buildbot|grep 4380
>> buildbot 24480 27081   0 14:50:27 pts/6       0:00 grep 4380
>> buildbot  4380   641  25 12:38:14 ?         130:33
>> /buildbot/ghc/kgardas/build/ghc/stage2-inplace/libexec/ghc
>> -B/buildbot/ghc/kgar
>> my question is: is it just me who is affected by this or is it a well
>> known issue in GHC build framework?
> I don't see it. Can you find out the full commandline please?

Does this help?

# pargs 4380
4380:   /buildbot/ghc/kgardas/build/ghc/stage2-inplace/libexec/ghc
argv[0]: /buildbot/ghc/kgardas/build/ghc/stage2-inplace/libexec/ghc
argv[1]: -B/buildbot/ghc/kgardas/build/inplace-datadir/.
argv[2]: -dynload
argv[3]: wrapped
argv[4]: --interactive
argv[5]: -v0
argv[6]: -ignore-dot-ghci


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