November 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 03:39:46 CET 2012
Ending: Fri Nov 30 21:56:18 CET 2012
Messages: 254
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Andreas Abel
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Andreas Abel
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Andreas Abel
- [Haskell-cafe] hackageDB haddock errors
Andreas Abel
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Andreas Abel
- intersectionSet, differenceSet
Andreas Abel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Andreas Abel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Andreas Abel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Andreas Abel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Andreas Abel
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Andreas Abel
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Takano Akio
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Brandon Allbery
- Cabal and GHC
Brandon Allbery
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Brandon Allbery
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Heinrich Apfelmus
- Proposal: Remove Control.Concurrent{QSem, QSemN, , SampleVar, mergeIO, nmergeIO} from base
Gershom Bazerman
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Gershom Bazerman
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Oren Ben-Kiki
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Oren Ben-Kiki
- Cabal and GHC
Oren Ben-Kiki
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Roman Beslik
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Roman Beslik
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Roman Beslik
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Roman Beslik
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
Joachim Breitner
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
Joachim Breitner
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Joachim Breitner
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Dan Burton
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Dan Burton
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Dan Burton
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Dan Burton
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Dan Burton
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Dan Burton
- Cabal and GHC
Dan Burton
- Cabal and GHC
Manuel M T Chakravarty
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Roman Cheplyaka
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Roman Cheplyaka
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Roman Cheplyaka
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Roman Cheplyaka
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Roman Cheplyaka
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Roman Cheplyaka
- Cabal and GHC
Duncan Coutts
- Cabal and GHC
Duncan Coutts
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Anthony Cowley
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Bas van Dijk
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Bas van Dijk
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Add Functor instances for ArgOrder, OptDescr and ArgDescr
Bas van Dijk
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Bas van Dijk
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Conal Elliott
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Jon Fairbairn
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Bertram Felgenhauer
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Yitzchak Gale
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Yitzchak Gale
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Yitzchak Gale
- Proposal: add conversion functions to Data.Fixed.
Yitzchak Gale
- digamma function
Ben Gamari
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Cale Gibbard
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Simon Hengel
- Proposal Summary: Add setEnv/unsetEnv to "base"
Simon Hengel
- Proposal Summary: Add setEnv/unsetEnv to "base"
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add isLeft/isRight to Data.Either
Simon Hengel
- Proposal: Add Functor instances for ArgOrder, OptDescr and ArgDescr
Erik Hesselink
- portable encoding/decoding without going via a handle
Judah Jacobson
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Darius Jahandarie
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Matthias Kilian
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Edward Kmett
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add Functor instances for ArgOrder, OptDescr and ArgDescr
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Allow gunfold for Data.Map, Data.IntMap, etc.
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Edward Kmett
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Edward A Kmett
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Edward A Kmett
- Proposal: Num instance for tuples
Twan van Laarhoven
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Twan van Laarhoven
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Twan van Laarhoven
- bug in printf, and patch
Evan Laforge
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Lato
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Antoine Latter
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Gábor Lehel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Gábor Lehel
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Gábor Lehel
- Cabal and GHC
Gábor Lehel
- Splitting TypeReps
Gábor Lehel
- Proposal: Add isLeft/isRight to Data.Either
Gábor Lehel
- very last HP mac release candidates for 2012.4.0.0
Mark Lentczner
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Mark Lentczner
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Mark Lentczner
- Proposal: alpha-rename the type signatures of foldl, foldl', and scanl to be consistent with foldr and scanr
Ian Lynagh
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Ian Lynagh
- Proposal: Remove Control.Concurrent{QSem, QSemN, , SampleVar, mergeIO, nmergeIO} from base
Ian Lynagh
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Ian Lynagh
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
John MacFarlane
- Changes to Typeable
Christian Maeder
- Changes to Typeable
José Pedro Magalhães
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
José Pedro Magalhães
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
José Pedro Magalhães
- [Haskell] ANN: time-
José Pedro Magalhães
- [Haskell] ANN: time-
José Pedro Magalhães
- Proposal: split Chan and TChan into read and write ends
Simon Marlow
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Marlow
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Marlow
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Simon Marlow
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Jake McArthur
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Jake McArthur
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Jake McArthur
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
David Menendez
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
- can't understand the Cabal manual. flag, manual
Ben Millwood
- Cabal: download dependencies for later offline build
Bram Neijt
- Cabal: download dependencies for later offline build
Bram Neijt
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Bryan O'Sullivan
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Bryan O'Sullivan
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
Bryan O'Sullivan
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Bryan O'Sullivan
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
Patrick Palka
- Proposal Summary: Add setEnv/unsetEnv to "base"
Conrad Parker
- Non-monotonic releases and package clobbering
Daniel Peebles
- Cabal and GHC
Jens Petersen
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Cabal and GHC
Simon Peyton-Jones
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- portable encoding/decoding without going via a handle
Herbert Valerio Riedel
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Thomas Schilling
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Thomas Schilling
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Thomas Schilling
- Proposal: add conversion functions to Data.Fixed.
Jeff Shaw
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Ganesh Sittampalam
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Ganesh Sittampalam
- portable encoding/decoding without going via a handle
Ganesh Sittampalam
- portable encoding/decoding without going via a handle
Ganesh Sittampalam
- portable encoding/decoding without going via a handle
Ganesh Sittampalam
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Michael Sloan
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Michael Sloan
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Michael Sloan
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Michael Sloan
- Cabal and GHC
Michael Snoyman
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Michael Snoyman
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Michael Snoyman
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Michael Snoyman
- intersectionSet, differenceSet
Milan Straka
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Milan Straka
- Proposal: Allow gunfold for Data.Map, Data.IntMap, etc.
Milan Straka
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Josef Svenningsson
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Stephen Tetley
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Henning Thielemann
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Henning Thielemann
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Henning Thielemann
- Cabal: download dependencies for later offline build
Henning Thielemann
- mtl-2.1 severly broken, cabal needs blacklisting
Henning Thielemann
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Henning Thielemann
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Henning Thielemann
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Henning Thielemann
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Henning Thielemann
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Henning Thielemann
- intersectionSet, differenceSet
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Henning Thielemann
- intersectionSet, differenceSet
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Functor instances for ArgOrder, OptDescr and ArgDescr
Henning Thielemann
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Henning Thielemann
- Cabal and GHC
Henning Thielemann
- Cabal and GHC
Henning Thielemann
- digamma function
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add Eq instance for Control.Exception.ErrorCall
Henning Thielemann
- Cabal and GHC
Vo Minh Thu
- Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0
Johan Tibell
- RFC: Can DefaultSignature compile-time conditional APIs be regarded "benign"?
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Remove Control.Concurrent{QSem, QSemN, , SampleVar, mergeIO, nmergeIO} from base
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Strict scanl, scanl1 and mapAccumL
Johan Tibell
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Johan Tibell
- Cabal and GHC
Johan Tibell
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Tyson Whitehead
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Tyson Whitehead
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Tyson Whitehead
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Tyson Whitehead
- Refactoring Semigroup/Monoid (was: instance Applicative Data.Map)
Tyson Whitehead
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
John Wiegley
- Proposal: Add isLeft/isRight to Data.Either
John Wiegley
- [Haskell] ANN: time-
Ashley Yakeley
- Cabal and GHC
Edward Z. Yang
- Non-monotonic releases and package clobbering
Edward Z. Yang
- Proposal: Add isLeft/isRight to Data.Either
Edward Z. Yang
- instance Applicative Data.Map
Brent Yorgey
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
Brent Yorgey
- Proposal: Add (&) to Data.Function
dag.odenhall at
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
wren ng thornton
- Improving Data.Char.isSpace performance
wren ng thornton
- Adding swap/compose functions to Data.Tuple and Data.Function
wren ng thornton
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 21:56:18 CET 2012
Archived on: Fri Nov 30 21:56:27 CET 2012
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).