instance Applicative Data.Map
Tyson Whitehead
twhitehead at
Thu Nov 15 23:51:11 CET 2012
On November 15, 2012 07:45:22 Jake McArthur wrote:
> Reader monad. That is, join m ! k == m!k!k. This would not work with a
> plain Data.Map, since (m!k!k) may not exist.
> If (m ! k) exists but (m ! k ! k) does not, that just means (join m ! k)
> does not exist.
> join = Map.mapMaybeWithKey Map.lookup
> This is the semantics we would get with ReaderT k Maybe and, if it existed,
> TMapT k Maybe.
Thanks for the answer everyone.
I was curious as quite awhile back there was a discussion on the class
structure of Functor, Pointed, Applicative, and Monad (which implies what and
whether they should be progressive). At the time, the only non-progressive
reason I could image was some extra control in a DSL as to what can be lifted.
This example is interesting as it seems to be a case where you might want
Functor, Applicative and Monad without Pointed. I guess maybe this is more an
artificial restriction though as if you are lifting functions via, it
is pretty obvious pure/return must be an associate with all keys operation.
More generally, with Functor and Applicative you can always do
pure f <*> x = f <$> x
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
f <*> pure x = (\f -> f x) <$> f
so it seems to almost imply Pointed. Only unlifted application is unavailable
f (pure x) = ???
In terms of implied structure (i.e., being able to get the operations of one
class using only the ones of the other classes), I guess the breakdown is
Applicative & Pointed -> Functor
f <$> x = pure f <*> x
Monad & Functor -> Applicative
f <*> x = join ((\f -> f <$> x) <$> f)
Maybe I'm missing something, but they really don't seem very hierarchical?
Cheers! -Tyson
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