October 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Oct 1 04:19:41 EST 2008
Ending: Fri Oct 31 20:39:59 EST 2008
Messages: 141
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
José Pedro Magalhães
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
José Pedro Magalhães
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
José Pedro Magalhães
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
José Pedro Magalhães
- [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Glob 0.1, globbing library
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
- [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Glob 0.1, globbing library
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
- HackageDB bug in exposed modules
Alfonso Acosta
- HackageDB bug in exposed modules
Alfonso Acosta
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Lennart Augustsson
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Sterling Clover
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Peter Collingbourne
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Duncan Coutts
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Duncan Coutts
- cabal-install, ghc-6.10
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Duncan Coutts
- [Haskell-cafe] Hackage and GUI (was Hackage status with GHC
6.10 release candidate)
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Duncan Coutts
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Duncan Coutts
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Duncan Coutts
- HUnit in Hackage
Duncan Coutts
- configVerbose, writeHookedBuildInfo
Duncan Coutts
- configVerbose, writeHookedBuildInfo
Duncan Coutts
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Duncan Coutts
- Map / Set folding API changes
Scott Dillard
- Proposal #2629: Data.List: Replace nub;
add nubOrd, nubInt, nubWith
Isaac Dupree
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Isaac Dupree
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Isaac Dupree
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Isaac Dupree
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Isaac Dupree
- OpenGL+GLUTwith ghc-6.10 ?
Conal Elliott
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Jon Fairbairn
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Bertram Felgenhauer
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Bertram Felgenhauer
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Bertram Felgenhauer
- Data.Foldable documentation
Stephan Friedrichs
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Yitzchak Gale
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Christopher Lane Hinson
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Wolfgang Jeltsch
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Compiling regex-posix-0.93.2 on windows
Chris Kuklewicz
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Twan van Laarhoven
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Twan van Laarhoven
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Sean Leather
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Sean Leather
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Roman Leshchinskiy
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
Ian Lynagh
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
Ian Lynagh
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
Ian Lynagh
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Ian Lynagh
- fgl version missing on hackage
Christian Maeder
- fgl version missing on hackage
Christian Maeder
- darcs patch: avoid import renaming errors in nhc98 (and 2 more)
Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Simon Marlow
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Simon Marlow
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Simon Marlow
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Simon Marlow
- A different approach to nubOrd (Re: Proposal #2629)
Bart Massey
- Proposal #2629: Data.List: Replace nub; add
nubOrd, nubInt, nubWith
Bart Massey
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Bart Massey
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Bart Massey
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Bart Massey
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
Bart Massey
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Bart Massey
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Bart Massey
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
David Menendez
- Status of nubOrd (Proposal #2629)
David Menendez
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Mitchell, Neil
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Mitchell, Neil
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Mitchell, Neil
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Mitchell, Neil
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
Mitchell, Neil
- [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Glob 0.1, globbing library
Matti Niemenmaa
- A general question about the use of classes in defining
Henrik Nilsson
- HackageDB bug in exposed modules
Ross Paterson
- Data.Foldable documentation
Ross Paterson
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
Ross Paterson
- A general question about the use of classes in defining
Ross Paterson
- fgl version missing on hackage
Ross Paterson
- fgl version missing on hackage
Ross Paterson
- Bugfix for QuickCheck
Patrick Perry
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Simon Peyton-Jones
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Simon Peyton-Jones
- Splitting SYB from the base package in GHC 6.10
Claus Reinke
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
David Roundy
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
David Roundy
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
David Roundy
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
David Roundy
- Data.Foldable documentation
Thomas Schilling
- Some QuickCheck Instances
Dominic Steinitz
- Arch Haskell News: Oct 4 2008
Don Stewart
- cabal-install, ghc-6.10
Don Stewart
- Bugfix for QuickCheck
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Don Stewart
- Ubuntu Haskell
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Don Stewart
- Arch Haskell News: Oct 12 2008
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-12 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-13 Hackage status with GHC 6.10 release candidate
Don Stewart
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Don Stewart
- Arch Haskell News: Oct 18 2008
Don Stewart
- fgl version missing on hackage
Don Stewart
- fgl version missing on hackage
Don Stewart
- HUnit in Hackage
Jon Strait
- A general question about the use of classes in defining interfaces
S. Doaitse Swierstra
- A general question about the use of classes in defining
S. Doaitse Swierstra
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Henning Thielemann
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Henning Thielemann
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Henning Thielemann
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Henning Thielemann
- 2008-10-11 Hackage status with GHC 6.10
Henning Thielemann
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Henning Thielemann
- darcs patch: Added list operations for arrows
Henning Thielemann
- cabal-install, ghc-6.10
Johannes Waldmann
- configVerbose, writeHookedBuildInfo
Johannes Waldmann
- configVerbose, writeHookedBuildInfo
Johannes Waldmann
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Malcolm Wallace
- Repair to floating point enumerations?
Malcolm Wallace
- Ubuntu Haskell
Ashley Yakeley
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Bulat Ziganshin
- A wiki page for managing the 6.10 handover
Bulat Ziganshin
- Proposal #2629: Data.List: Replace nub; add nubOrd, nubInt,
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
- Proposal #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd
- Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
roconnor at theorem.ca
Last message date:
Fri Oct 31 20:39:59 EST 2008
Archived on: Fri Oct 31 20:35:05 EST 2008
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