fgl version missing on hackage

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at dfki.de
Thu Oct 23 07:40:15 EDT 2008

Ross Paterson wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 08:45:00AM -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
>> Christian.Maeder:
>>> Could you upload fgl-

I see, there is even a newer version fgl-

I would very much appreciate, if these libraries were reachable via
cabal-install, Martin.

> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Libraries_released_with_GHC
> (I see that Win32's version number went backwards between GHC 6.6.1/6.8.1.)

columns for ghc-6.6 and ghc-6.6.1 are reversed

> It might make sense for some of these versions to be extracted from the
> GHC source releases and placed on hackage.

fgl- is the only library left that:
 - is not on hackage
 - has a blank entry for ghc-6.10.1 on
 - was shipped with ghc-6.8.3 or earlier ghcs (on the same page)

So at least fgl- should be uploaded. (Version fgl-5.4.1 for
ghc-6.6.1 is also missing)

Cheers Christian

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