Proposal #2659: Add sortOn and friends to Data.List
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
bernardy at
Mon Oct 6 17:32:54 EDT 2008
How about capturing the pattern in higher order functions?
if we define:
> import Data.Function
> import Data.List
> data Cache b a = Cache b a
> fromCache (Cache _ a) = a
> toCache f a = Cache (f a) a
> cache (Cache b _) = b
> caching f g = map fromCache . g . map (toCache f)
then sortOn becomes:
> sortOn2 f = caching f (sortBy (compare `on` cache))
and with the instances
> instance Ord b => Ord (Cache b a) where
> compare x y = compare (cache x) (cache y)
> instance Eq b => Eq (Cache b a) where
> x == y = cache x == cache y
it gets even simpler:
> sortOn3 f = caching f sort
It could be that I missed the point, but I'd much rather not see so
many functions
added to base without a strong case for it.
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