January 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jan 2 01:24:43 UTC 2017
Ending: Tue Jan 31 22:11:38 UTC 2017
Messages: 131
- Random Number Update
Andreas Abel
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
Bardur Arantsson
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
- Random Number Update
Adam Bergmark
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Mario Blažević
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Mario Blažević
- Discussion: traversing roots and leaves
Mario Blažević
- Proposal: make liftA2 an Applicative method?
Mario Blažević
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Baldur Blöndal
- Proposal: Add splitL and splitR to container’s Map APIs
Joachim Breitner
- Proposal: Add splitL and splitR to container’s Map APIs
Joachim Breitner
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Andrew Butterfield
- Win32 non-backwards compatible API change
Elliot Cameron
- Win32 non-backwards compatible API change
Tamar Christina
- Win32 non-backwards compatible API change
Tamar Christina
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Kevin Cotrone
- Selection Monad
Jakub Daniel
- Selection Monad
Jakub Daniel
- Reexport GHC.Integer.Logarithms from base
Bas van Dijk
- Reexport GHC.Integer.Logarithms from base
Bas van Dijk
- Reexport GHC.Integer.Logarithms from base
Bas van Dijk
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
Conal Elliott
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
M Farkas-Dyck
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
David Feuer
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
David Feuer
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
David Feuer
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
David Feuer
- Default implementation of bitSize
David Feuer
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
David Feuer
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
David Feuer
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Derived Functor instance for void types
David Feuer
- Adding foldMap implementation to instance Foldable Maybe
David Feuer
- Proposal: make liftA2 an Applicative method?
David Feuer
- Discussion: traversing roots and leaves
David Feuer
- Proposal: Introduce GHC.TypeNats module with natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Natural
David Feuer
- Discussion: traversing roots and leaves
David Feuer
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
David Feuer
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
David Feuer
- Re: Proposal: Add splitL and splitR to container’s Map APIs
David Feuer
- Re: Proposal: Add splitL and splitR to container’s Map APIs
David Feuer
- Proposal: Introduce GHC.TypeNats module with natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Natural
Ben Gamari
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Theodore Lief Gannon
- Proposal: Introduce GHC.TypeNats module with natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Natural
Oleg Grenrus
- Random Number Update
Oleg Grenrus
- Proposal: Introduce GHC.TypeNats module with natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Natural
Oleg Grenrus
- Random Number Update
Niklas Hambüchen
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
Joe Hillenbrand
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
Joe Hillenbrand
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Index Int
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Simon Jakobi
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Simon Jakobi
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Simon Jakobi
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Edward Kmett
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Edward Kmett
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Edward Kmett
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
Edward Kmett
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Edward Kmett
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Edward Kmett
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
David Laing
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
David Laing
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Reexport GHC.Integer.Logarithms from base
Andrew Martin
- Default implementation of bitSize
Andrew Martin
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
David Menendez
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
David Menendez
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Eric Mertens
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Eric Mertens
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Eric Mertens
- Adding foldMap implementation to instance Foldable Maybe
Eric Mertens
- Selection Monad
Eric Mertens
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Eric Mertens
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Tom Murphy
- Random Number Update
Henrik Nilsson
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Kris Nuttycombe
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
Kris Nuttycombe
- Proposal: make liftA2 an Applicative method?
Kris Nuttycombe
- Random Number Update
Sven Panne
- Random Number Update
Sven Panne
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Bryan Richter
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Phil Ruffwind
- Random Number Update
Carter Schonwald
- Random Number Update
Carter Schonwald
- Random Number Update
Carter Schonwald
- Proposal: Make minimumBy and maximumBy go through foldl1
Carter Schonwald
- Random Number Update
Carter Schonwald
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Derived Functor instance for void types
Ryan Scott
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Ryan Scott
- Win32 non-backwards compatible API change
Gauthier Segay
- Win32 non-backwards compatible API change
Gauthier Segay
- Add Zero and One to Data.Functor (mirroring V1, U1)
Eric Seidel
- Proposal: Add NonEmpty constructors to the Prelude
Ganesh Sittampalam
- Random Number Update
Dominic Steinitz
- Random Number Update
Dominic Steinitz
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add NonEmpty constructors to the Prelude
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add readMaybe (and possibly readEither) to Prelude, make Haddocks for read more cautionary
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: Add NonEmpty constructors to the Prelude
Henning Thielemann
- Random Number Update
Henning Thielemann
- Random Number Update
Henning Thielemann
- Proposal: merge either into transformers
Chris Wong
- Random Number Update
amindfv at gmail.com
- MonadZip for Data.Tree
wren romano
- ANN containers
wren romano
- Discussion: should we make liftA2 an Applicative method?
wren romano
- Random Number Update
dominic at steinitz.org
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 22:11:38 UTC 2017
Archived on: Tue Jan 31 21:53:24 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).