GHC development asks too much of the host system

Hécate hecate at
Tue Jul 19 16:20:44 UTC 2022

Hello ghc-devs,

I hadn't made significant contributions to the GHC code base in a while, 
until a few days ago, where I discovered that my computer wasn't able to 
sustain running the test suite, nor handle HLS well.

Whether it is my OS automatically killing the process due to oom-killer 
or just the fact that I don't have a war machine, I find it too bad and 
I'm frankly discouraged.
This is not the first time such feedback emerges, as the documentation 
task force for the base library was unable to properly onboard some 
people from third-world countries who do not have access to hardware 
we'd consider "standard" in western Europe or some parts of North 
America. Or at least "standard" until even my standard stuff didn't cut 
it anymore.

So yeah, I'll stay around but I'm afraid I'm going to have to focus on 
projects for which the feedback loop is not on the scale of hours , as 
this is a hobby project.

Hope this will open some eyes.


Hécate ✨
🐦: @TechnoEmpress
IRC: Hecate

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