[xmonad] Workspace selector font size

Tony Zorman soliditsallgood at mailbox.org
Thu Aug 25 11:07:23 UTC 2022

Hi Jacek,

On Thu, Aug 25 2022 11:40, Jacek Generowicz wrote:
> My workspase switching key opens a grey bar at the bottom of the screen. Since
> switching to 0.17, the fonts on this have become enormous and the virtual screen
> names (of which I have many) don't fit in the bar any more.
> Can you give me any pointers on where this font (or the appearance of this bar
> in general) might be configured?

Sounds like you're using XMonad.Prompt to open a workspace switcher of
some sort (for example, the aptly named XMonad.Prompt.Workspace).
AFAICR, we switched the default font for prompts from bitmap-based fonts
to xft-based fonts, since some distributions do not ship the bitmap ones
with X11 anymore.

When you define your prompt you may have something along the lines of

    workspacePrompt def (windows . W.shift)

as a keybinding.  You have to simply override the `font` field of your
XPConfig to use bitmap fonts again:

    workspacePrompt def{ font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } (windows . W.shift)

You may also have a `myXPConfig` or something, in which you can add the
`font = …` override as well.


Tony Zorman | https://tony-zorman.com/

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