[xmonad] insertPosition and transient floating windows

Peter Jones mlists at pmade.com
Wed Nov 4 19:58:52 UTC 2015

adam vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com> writes:
> It looks like composeOne picks the first action that matches. So I think
> you'll get what you describe from:
>     composeOne
>       [ isFloating -?> doCenterFloat
>       , pure True  -?> insertPosition Below Newer
>       ]

I tried switching the order and I get the same issue.  From what I can
tell, it looks like `insertPosition` is getting applied with every new
window.  Perhaps `isFloating` isn't working from a manage hook because
it's the manage hook that is floating the window in the first place.

Peter Jones, Founder, Devalot.com
Defending the honor of good code

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