[xmonad] insertPosition and transient floating windows

Peter Jones mlists at pmade.com
Fri Nov 6 20:19:40 UTC 2015

Peter Jones <mlists at pmade.com> writes:
> I'm using `insertPosition Below Newer` with `composeOne`.  When a
> password dialog appears, and the master window previously had the focus,
> the dialog gets focused and is put in the center of the screen.  That
> part is perfect.
> The problem comes when I dismiss the dialog.  At that point I would
> expect the master window to regain focus, but one of the slave windows
> does instead.  Of course, removing `insertPosition` fixes my issue.

I was finally able to write a configuration to get insertPosition to
work the way I want.  I moved all my manage hooks into composeOne and
added the transience manage hook.  Here is my final manage hook:

manageHook :: ManageHook
manageHook = manageDocks <> composeOne
    [ -- Some application windows ask to be floating (I'm guessing) but
      -- it's stupid to float them.
      title =? "HandBrake" -?> normalTile

      -- HandBrake file dialog asks for crazy sizes.
    , className =? "Handbrake" <&&> isDialog -?> forceCenterFloat

      -- Force dialog windows and pop-ups to be floating.
    , isDialog                                    -?> doCenterFloat
    , stringProperty "WM_WINDOW_ROLE" =? "pop-up" -?> doCenterFloat
    , className =? "Gcr-prompter"                 -?> doCenterFloat
    , transience -- Move transient windows to their parent.

      -- Tile all other windows using insertPosition.
    , pure True -?> normalTile
    normalTile = insertPosition Below Newer

Peter Jones, Founder, Devalot.com
Defending the honor of good code

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