[xmonad] Transparent Border with Chrome Beta/Unstable

Eyal Erez oneself at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 18:27:24 UTC 2014


I've recently update my machine to find that chrome's window border (orange
on all my other windows) is now transparent.  I noticed that Google have
added their new Aura graphics stack instead of GTK+
and I'm wondering if this is not playing nicely with xmonad.  Downgrading
to Chrome stable solves the problem.  But I'm guessing that once the stable
version gets updated, I'll get the same issue again.

Is anyone else seeing this?  Is there anything I can do to confirm that
this is the problem or fix it somehow?

Thank you,

*Eyal Erez <**oneself at gmail.com* <oneself at gmail.com>*>*

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