[xmonad] Issue 576 in xmonad: On FreeBSD Xmonad loses first hotkey sometimes
codesite-noreply at google.com
codesite-noreply at google.com
Mon Aug 18 07:26:30 UTC 2014
Comment #9 on issue 576 by beyer... at gmail.com: On FreeBSD Xmonad loses
first hotkey sometimes
I'm also on FreeBSD, and while I haven't debugged the issue formally, I can
say that they execute more reliably (haven't seen any issues since) when
spawned inside tcsh.
First I tried something like the following:
I converted:
spawn "dmenu_run"
spawn "tcsh -c 'dmenu_run'"
Then, I decided to dig into the definition of spawn, and then I made an
alternate version of spawn instead...
eg like the following:
-- | spawn. Launch an external application. Specifically, it double-forks
-- runs the 'String' you pass as a command to \/bin\/sh.
-- Note this function assumes your locale uses utf8.
spawn' :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
spawn' x = spawnPIDTCSH x >> return ()
-- | Like 'spawn', but returns the 'ProcessID' of the launched application
spawnPIDTCSH :: MonadIO m => String -> m ProcessID
spawnPIDTCSH x = xfork $ executeFile "/bin/tcsh" False ["-c", encodeString
x] Nothing
Now, when I execute something like
spawn' "dmenu_run"
It works reliably.
Hope this helps, although you might be experiencing a different issue.
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