[xmonad] Issue 576 in xmonad: On FreeBSD Xmonad loses first hotkey sometimes

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Aug 10 08:09:57 UTC 2014

Comment #8 on issue 576 by martin.s... at gmail.com: On FreeBSD Xmonad loses  
first hotkey sometimes

Here are the both xz-compressed truss output files (the one where the xterm  
starts is quite hard to produce).

mod-shift-return-ignored.truss.txt -> Key binding did not work

mod-shift-return-ok.truss.txt -> Key binding worked (some noise at the end,  
closing the window)

	mod-shift-return-ignored.truss.txt.xz  884 bytes
	mod-shift-return-ok.truss.txt.xz  33.6 KB

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