[xmonad] xmobar disappears

Michael Norrish michael.norrish at nicta.com.au
Fri Jun 1 06:33:15 CEST 2012

On 01/06/12 12:55, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> *sigh* I always forget mangling it back to the type ManageHook expects...
>      appName =? "xmobar" --> (liftX . withDisplay . (io .) . flip raiseWindow
> =<< ask) <+> idHook
> and may require extra parentheses depending on how you mix it into an existing
> ManageHook.

I'm afraid that gives exactly the same error.  An earlier post of yours to this 
mailing list (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2011-June/011495.html) has

> manageUtility :: ManageHook
> manageUtility =  ask >>=
>                  \win -> liftX (withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ raiseWindow dpy win) >>
>                  doFloat

The doFloat on the end is necessary to get the type-error to go away. 
Presumably idHook would be better there, making the entry

   appName =? "xmobar" -->
     (ask >>=
      \win -> liftX (withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ raiseWindow dpy win) >>

If the .xmobarrc has lowerOnStart set to True, the above doesn't help.  (Nor 
does the version with doFloat.)

So, in my situation it looks as if it has to be lowerOnStart = False in the 


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