[xmonad] Issue 472 in xmonad: [PATCH] XMonad/Prompt/Directory.hs fix issue on standard unixes

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Aug 21 13:41:13 CEST 2011

Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 472 by graude... at gmail.com: [PATCH] XMonad/Prompt/Directory.hs  
fix issue on standard unixes

XMonad/Prompt/Directory.hs is using /bin/bash, this is not only unportable,  
but also very not standard.

Because of this XMonad/Prompt/Directory.hs doesn't work on FreeBSD for  
example. Because there is no /bin/sh, you can however install bash to  

Attached patch fixes this by simply removing /bin/ and leaving shell to  
figure out where is bash located

I'm using xmonad and xmonad-contib 0.9.2 from FreeBSD ports

	patch-XMonad__Prompt__Directory.hs  490 bytes

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