[xmonad] Newbie Focus Question

lithis xmonad at selg.hethrael.org
Tue May 27 19:16:14 EDT 2008

On Tue, 2008/05/27 17:45:52 -0500, Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> If one has one or more fillscreen window(s) on a screen and one or more 
> floating window(s) on a screen and is using <mod1> Tab, or <mod1> j and 
> <mod1> k to cycle focus between the windows, is there a way to have each 
> window moved to the top when it receives focus.

As a manual solution, press Mod+Enter to bring a window to
the front. Mod+Shift+{J,K} will reorder windows, also.
You could append “ >> windows W.swapMaster” to the
Mod+{Tab,J,K} bindings in your config, as well.

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