[xmonad] Gaps not working

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 06:22:59 EDT 2008


I've noticed that the support for 'gaps' has been removed from xmonad
0.7. I see that the gaps can now be added by the extension module:
XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks. However I'm having some trouble getting
xmonad to recognize my xmobar dock. Here are the relevant parts from
my xmonad.hs: (I also attached the full file and my .xmobarrc in case
it matters)

import qualified System.IO                as SIO
import qualified XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog  as DL
import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks as MD

main = xmonad =<< basConfig

basConfig =
    do xmobar <- R.spawnPipe "xmobar"
       return $ defaultConfig { logHook       = myLogHook xmobar
                              , layoutHook    = myLayout
                              , manageHook    = manageHook defaultConfig <+>

myLogHook h = DL.dynamicLogWithPP DL.xmobarPP {DL.ppOutput  = SIO.hPutStrLn h}

myLayout = MD.avoidStruts $ NB.smartBorders
           ( tiled |||
             Mirror tiled |||
             NB.noBorders (T.tabbed D.shrinkText
                                         { D.decoHeight = 15 }
     tiled = Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)

It would be great if someone can give me some tips to get my gaps working again.


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