[web-devel] [BUG] in WAI definition

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Fri Feb 20 08:54:07 EST 2009

Johan Tibell ha scritto:
> [...]
> I still don't know iteratees place in the grand scheme of things. I
> don't even know what's a general, well performing and easily graspable
> definition would look like!
> In summary: I have *a* definition of iteratees that works. I just
> don't know if there's a better one.

I'm not a theorist, so I'm ok with a definition that works :).

Instead I'm interested in how code that operates on iteratees can be 
made reusable and integrated with other code (see ByteString and 

The ByteString has a well defined implementation, and an useful set of 
operations defined.

The same with LazyByteString, where we have some functions that allow us 
to generate a LazyByteString from a generic data structure.

Is the same possible with iteratee?
It is possible to "convert" a LazyByteString in a iteratee, efficiently?

Thanks   Manlio Perillo

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