[reactive] FRP applied to music sequencing/ DSP

Balazs Komuves bkomuves at gmail.com
Mon May 14 15:11:26 CEST 2012


The Haskell-Art mailing list is an alternative forum for such subjects:

Personally, I believe the FRP paradigm should be suitable for the tasks you
describe, but we are probably not there yet. Changing the graph is probably
the nontrivial part, but specifying fades/etc should be easy. If you want a
full-blown music producing / synthesizer system, then it again becomes hard
because of the performance requirements. You probably need to Just-In-Time
compile the circuit to some low-level language. But this is definitely
possible; for example Henning Thielemann has such a prototype synth:


On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 2:47 AM, Carter Schonwald <
carter.schonwald at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm not sure if this is possible with Reactive or any extant FRP language,
> but it couldn't hurt to ask the experts :)
> the high level version of my question is: Does Reactive (or one of its
> friends)  provide the right basic abstractions for doing a subset of
>    - specifying mixing / fades over time (and other DJ related tasks),
>    which conceptual would be constructing some sort of Digraph out of various
>    computational steps (and that are each potentially )
>    - a mechanism for changing this sequencing in some part of the digraph
>    (ie at some point conceptually changing how the djing is being done)
> I'm sort of thinking about things wrt the basic djing streams being
> processed by a circuit / digraph of computations, and there being a meta
> language for manipulating the circuit. This probably falls totally outside
> the purview of current FRP as far as I can tell, but if I'm incorrect in
> thinking that / or some equally appealing approach exists, I'd love to find
> out!
> thanks
> -Carter Schonwald
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