[reactive] FRP applied to music sequencing/ DSP

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Sun May 13 02:47:34 CEST 2012

Hello All,
I'm not sure if this is possible with Reactive or any extant FRP language,
but it couldn't hurt to ask the experts :)

the high level version of my question is: Does Reactive (or one of its
friends)  provide the right basic abstractions for doing a subset of

   - specifying mixing / fades over time (and other DJ related tasks),
   which conceptual would be constructing some sort of Digraph out of various
   computational steps (and that are each potentially )
   - a mechanism for changing this sequencing in some part of the digraph
   (ie at some point conceptually changing how the djing is being done)

I'm sort of thinking about things wrt the basic djing streams being
processed by a circuit / digraph of computations, and there being a meta
language for manipulating the circuit. This probably falls totally outside
the purview of current FRP as far as I can tell, but if I'm incorrect in
thinking that / or some equally appealing approach exists, I'd love to find

-Carter Schonwald
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