Broken packages on hackage

Jeremy Shaw jeremy at
Wed Jun 18 03:22:04 EDT 2008

At Tue, 17 Jun 2008 16:26:06 -0700,
Don Stewart wrote:

>         debian              -- cabal type error

There is a version of this package which works located at:

It currently depends on a this library:

Which includes awesome modules such as,


(I am hoping to add, Extra.Misc.Util someday).

I feel a bit weird about uploading a library named 'Extra' to
hackage. Especially one that just contains a bunch of random functions
that we got tired of copying and pasting into numereous
projects. Also, many of the functions in Extra have better
implementations in other libraries now, so we would not want new code
to be using them. But, I am not sure that I can easily get rid of the
dependency on Extra anytime soon, due to lack of time.

We could just stake our claim on the Extra namespace -- first come,
first serve!

Any opinions?


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