Hugs and Mac and GUI

Hans Aberg
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:28:58 +0100

At 11.40 +0000 0-11-14, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>Classic Hugs98 will continue to live, and will remain pretty stable.
>That is to say, it will incorporate bugfixes, but is unlikely to
>incorporate further experimental extensions.  This is a good thing from
>the point of view of users, providing a reliable base for learning,
>teaching, and developing programs in a standardised language.
>There are already other interpreters for Haskell.  `hbi' was the
>first ever Haskell interpreter, and it is a very good system indeed.

I am curious about this "first ever" wording, because as I recall Hugs has
existed a very long time, originating from the Gofer.

>`GHCi' will be a new interpreter, to be released sometime around the
>New Year probably.

Do you know if this interpreter is thread-safe? -- This will be needed for
use with AppleEvent's under MacOS (binary data that programs can send to
each other).

  Hans Aberg