[HOpenGL] WinXP, ghc-6.0.1, HOpenGL-1.05 .. problems

Alastair Reid alastair at reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
Thu Nov 13 18:38:47 EST 2003

>     * Haskell's FFI has no way to state the constness of arguments. This
>       is a pity and even a 80% solution would be better than nothing.

The Right Thing is to generate C wrapper functions which use const as 
appropriate.  GreenCard can do this and I believe HDirect can too.

However, the 80% solution is a lot less work.  Compiling the C code generated 
by your Haskell compiler with -Dconst is a good way to suppress these 
warnings.  Of course, there is a risk that some of the warnings are about a 
real problem...

Alastair Reid    www.haskell-consulting.com

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