[Hat] Errors building hat 2.04
d9jh00502 at sneakemail.com
Tue Oct 3 21:26:17 EDT 2006
to be honest, as much as i'd love contributing, i often don't have the
time to go in and debug software that i'm trying/evaluating. (as i
said, the patch was already applied in the tarball i downloaded.) such
pursuits almost always turn into much deeper time sinks than how
they're initially presented to me.
when will the next version be available that fixes this? i'll wait for
that. thanks.
On 10/2/06, Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace-at-cs.york.ac.uk |hat|
<...> wrote:
> Thomas Davie <tatd2 at kent.ac.uk> wrote:
> > This seems to be a recurring problem. Do we have a list of what
> > ghc produces on each platform? If we had that, I guess we could find
> > a regexp that works on all known systems.
> It's not so much ghc, as _gcc_, because the extra whitespace/#pragmas
> are inserted by the C preprocessor. I believe the regexp currently in
> CVS is correct (not "^#" and not "^$"), but perhaps an alternative which
> actually searches for numbers on a line of their own (e.g. "^[0-9]*$")
> might be better.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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