[Haskell] ANNOUNCE : shaker 0.4.1

Anthonin Bonnefoy anthonin.bonnefoy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 10:00:50 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the release of shaker 0.4.1

Shaker is an interactive build tool which allow to simply compile or
launch test on a haskell project and provides some interesting
features like continuous action. With continuous action, an action
(compile or test) will be automatically executed when a source
modification is detected.
All configuration are made via cabal; Shaker will read cabal
configuration to discover source directories, compilation options and
targets to compile. More details on

What's new since 0.3 :
 * Integration of test-framework for test execution
 * Better exception handling
 * File changes are now correctly reloaded for continuous testing
 * Test action now use arguments to filter test by their names
 * Created test-module to execute tests on a specific module

Suggestions, feedbacks and bug reports are welcome.


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