[Haskell] What's up with this Haskell runtime error message:

Garrett Mitchener garrett.mitchener at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 09:59:22 EDT 2006

I came up with a system of coloring -- you'll have to view this message as
html to see it.  You start with the input parameters -- those are green.
Anything defined in terms of green is blue.  Anything defined in terms of
green & blue is purple.  Anything defined in terms of green, blue, and
purple is orange, etc.  Then you can see the problem.  So in foo, everything
checks out, you get to orange and there's just a couple of expressions left
and you can see that there's no loop.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  foo  (step,r0,mu0) = bar (step,r1,r0,mu1,mu0)
>     where
>     r1 = r0-step*rd
>     mu1 = mu0-step*mud
>     rd = c*c*mu0
>     mud = c*c/r0 - (foobar_r z)/c
>     c = baz(z)
>     z = 6.378388e6-r0
> baz z | z<125 = -0.25*z+1537.5
>         | otherwise = 0.0169*z+1504.1
> foobar_r z | z<125 = 0.25
>     | otherwise = -0.0169
But when you try coloring bar, you get this far and then we're stuck.  The
problem is clear: r depends on rdc, which depends on rd0, which depends on
c0, which depends on z0, which depends on r.  So your definition for r
includes a loop.

bar (step,r2,r1,mu2,mu1) = (r,z0) : bar (step,r1,r,mu1,m)
>     where
>     r = r2+2*step*rdc
>     m = mu2+2*step*mudc
>     rdc = (rd2+rd1+rd0)/6
>     mudc = (mud2+mud1+mud0)/6
>     rd2 = c2*c2*mu2
>     mud2 = c2*c2/r2 - (foobar_r z2)/c2
>     rd1 = c1*c1*mu1
>     mud1 = c1*c1/r1 - (foobar_r z1)/c1
>     rd0 = c0*c0*m
>     mud0 = c0*c0/r - (foobar_r z0)/c0
>     c2 = baz(z2)
>     c1 = baz(z1)
>     c0 = baz(z0)
>     z2 = 6.378388e6-r2
>     z1 = 6.378388e6-r1
>     z0 = 6.378388e6-r
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>     print $ take 100 (foo (0.1, 6.378388e6,0))
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