[Haskell] HaskellForge

Sven Panne Sven.Panne at aedion.de
Thu May 26 07:25:09 EDT 2005

Samuel Bronson wrote:
> The thing is, Haskell people tend to want to use Darcs for their
> Haskell stuff, and I don't think there are sites like sourceforge
> supporting it yet...

So my question is (probably once again): Why can >100.000 projects
live with SF and not the Haskell community? Although CVS is not my
favourite version control system, I'd happily use it if I get the
rest of SF for free then.

I have the very strong feeling that we are experiencing a "not
invented here" + "we can do it better" scenario...  :-[ I see the
need for Cabal/Hackage, but I am far from being convinced that
building a SF-like site from scratch is the right way to go. Either
collaborating with the SF people or modifying GForge looks more
promising and economical to me.


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