[Haskell] constraint track @ SAC2005 CFP
stefano Bistarelli
stefano.bistarelli at iit.cnr.it
Tue Aug 10 12:37:21 EDT 2004
proposed title:
Constraint Solving and Programming
Aims and topics:
Constraints have emerged as the basis of a representational and
computational paradigm that draws from many disciplines and can be
brought to bear on many problem domains. The track is concerned
with all aspects of computing with constraints including
algorithms, applications, environments, languages, models, and
systems. Contributions are welcome from any discipline concerned
with constraints, including artificial intelligence, combinatorial
algorithms, computational logic, concurrent computation,
databases, discrete mathematics, operations research, programming
languages, and symbolic computation. We also solicit papers from
any domain employing constraints, including computational
linguistics, configuration, decision support, design, diagnosis,
graphics, hardware verification, molecular biology, planning,
qualitative reasoning, real-time systems, resource allocation,
robotics, scheduling, software engineering, temporal reasoning,
vision, visualization, and user interfaces. Papers that bridge
disciplines or combine theory and practice or discuss novel
reasoning methods are especially welcome. A special attention is
focused around the use of constraint technologies in the
networking, wireless and internet fields.
Rationale for having such a track in SAC:
The constraint solving and programming area deal with a specific
way to model and solve a large number of problems in many fields.
This peculiarity made constraint solving and programming
techniques neither too general nor overly specialized, but also
enough wide to be able to attract a wide audience of people
sharing constraint interests.
Moreover, many emerging areas (mobility, networking, protocols,
security, web) are starting to use constraint techniques and
formalism to express problems and solve them.
In addition to this motivation, the main conference dealing
with such techniques (CP) is helt each year around the month of
october, and a track in SAC in march will be welcomed by the CP
researchers. In this sense the track on CP will complement the CP
The community of constraints usually participates also to IJCAI and to
PACT, but these two conferences are too general and the second one focuses too
much on industrail application.
- Stefano Bistarelli
Dipartimento di Scienze,
Universita' degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, Italy
bista at sci.unich.it
Istituto per l'Informatica e la Telematica,
C.N.R. Pisa, Italy
stefano.Bistarelli at iit.cnr.it
- Eric Monfroy
University of Nantes
Eric.Monfroy at lina.univ-nantes.fr
- Barry O'Sullivan
Barry O'Sullivan
Cork Constraint Computation Centre
Department of Computer Science
University College Cork, Ireland
Email: b.osullivan at cs.ucc.ie
Tel: +353 21 4903085
Fax: +353 21 4903113
Web: http://www.cs.ucc.ie/~osullb/
To disseminate the call-for-papers we will use a set of mailing
lists we already used for many CP related conferences and workshops.
A web page describing the track will be publicized by such a list and
inserted in the search engines and in the conferences' specialized
web sites. Moreover, in October we will give call for
participation to all the people attending the CP conference. To manage the
review process we will sent papers to the most influential and knowledgeable
peoples of the Constraint technologies area we are already in contact with.
The possibility for the publication
of a selected number of papers in a special issue of some
Journal will be considered.
Experience of the organizers
- Stefano Bistarelli
CP98: Publicity Chair
SAC2002--2004: AI and computational logic Track co-chair
AGP2002: PC member
CP2002: RCORP workshop PC member
CP2002--2003: Soft workshop co-chair
FLAIR2003--2004 - constraint solving and programming track co-chair
FLAIR2004 - Secure Multiparty Computations and Distributed Constraint Reasoning track PC member
- Eric Monfroy
Conference PC member:
AISC'02, AISC'04,
PPAM'01, PPAM'03,
Workshops: (co-)organization, (co-)chair, or pc member
CoSolv at CP'2001, CP'2002, CP'2003
RCorrp at CP'2000, CP'2001, CP'2002 and 2003
TRICS at CP'2000, CP'2002
ERCIM workshop on COnstraint: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Barry O'Sullivan
Conference PC/OC member (Recent):
AI-2004 - The Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of AI
CP-2004 - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
AAAI-2004 - National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
DCC-2004 - International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition
FLAIRS 2004 - Special Track on Constraint Solving and Programming
FLAIRS 2004 - Special Track on Secure Multiparty Computations and Distributed Constraint Reasoning
Workshops PC/OC member (Recent):
Workshop on Configuration at ECAI-04, IJCAI-03, ECAI-02
User-Interaction in Constraint Satisfaction at CP-01, CP-02, CP-03
ERCIM/CologNet Workshop on Constraints 2002
Stefano Bistarelli's CV:
check http://www.sci.unich.it/~bista/
Barry O'Sullivan's CV:
check http://www.cs.ucc.ie/~osullb/
Eric Monfroy's CV:
check http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/info/perso/permanents/monfroy/
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