SUGGESTION: haskell-announce mailing list

Ashley Yakeley
Fri, 10 May 2002 18:38:33 -0700

At 2002-05-10 10:38, C.Reinke wrote:

>existing split, this ought to be split off the haskell list (i.e.,
>everyone subscribed to haskell would initially be subscribed to
>haskell and to haskell-announce).
>Opinions? Suggestions?

I suggest that all posts to haskell-announce are copied to haskell. 
Perhaps even the haskell list should itself be subscribed to 
haskell-announce. And of course then initially no-one should be 
subscribed to haskell-announce. Furthermore haskell-announce should be 
moderated, so all posts to it are screened before distribution.

This seems to be the standard way of doing things for announce/discussion 
list pairs. This way people only need to be subscribed to one of them, 
and there's no chance of missing announcements just because you're only 
subscribed to one list.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA