Mutually recursive structures
Timothy Docker
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 12:30:58 +1100 (EST)
The following problem has been taxing me....
I have a list of pairs that I have parsed from a input file, which
represent a hiirarchy, where the first element is the name of the object,
and the second is the name of the parent if there is one:
type ParseOutput = [(String,Maybe String)]
I wish to convert this to a list of "objects", where from each object I can
navigate to the parent object (if any), or the children (if any):
data Obj = Obj { name::String,
parent::(Maybe Obj),
children::[Obj] }
type Result = [Obj]
convert:: ParseOutput -> Result
In a language with mutable references, this would be a relatively
straightforward. I would just create a dictionary mapping from name to
Obj, and then iterate over them, filling in the parents and children
where appropriate.
odict = {}
for (name,parent) in parseOutput:
odict[name] = Obj()
for (name,parent) in parseOutput:
if parent:
parent = odict[parent]
child = odict[name]
child.parent = parent
parent.children.append( child )
This gives away my background! How can I do this in Haskell? If I
don't have mutable references, I figure that I must need to use
laziness in some way, perhaps similar to how I would build an infinite
A hint or two would be great.