LAST CALL to comment on the Applicative/Monad Proposal
Herbert Valerio Riedel
hvriedel at
Tue Apr 2 15:15:34 UTC 2019
On 2019-03-31 at 18:02:13 +0200, Bardur Arantsson wrote:
>> In all fairness, Herbert did state [1] he intends to write up the
>> combination of AMP, MFP, and MNRP the way he likes it.
> Did anything come of this?
Actually yes! I started prototyping how the library-report modules could
like like in H2020 as an actual working prototype (needs at least GHC
8.6, as only GHC 8.6 has the MonadFail desugaring properly setup to make
this work seamlessly w/o the need for consumers to enable {-# LANGUAGE
RebindableSyntax #-}):
as this is the easiest way to empirically evaluate whether the
big picture makes any sense;
This is a real package with proper versioning that can be depended upon
by other packages on Hackage; breaking changes will be signalled via
major version bumps). This package can be used just like the old
`haskell2010` was used, i.e. in your `.cabal` file you simply state
build-depends: haskell2020 == 0.1.*
and do *not* declare a dependency on the `base` package.
Unfortunately I got distracted and haven't yet finished the delta to the
library report for AMP+MRP. I hope to get back to it soon to tie this
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