[Haskell-community] Next Steps in Downloads Page Discussion

Patrick Pelletier code at funwithsoftware.org
Thu Sep 1 23:48:42 UTC 2016

On 9/1/16 2:12 PM, Gershom B wrote:
> We've had a productive discussion on this list, I think. But as many
> probably know, not all the discussions over this have been so
> positive.


I am really happy about the positive, conciliatory tone the discussion 
has taken in the past few days.  I had been disheartened by the schism 
that has grown in the Haskell community over the past year or so.  As a 
user, I was especially turned off by packages whose sole description was 
essentially "go to Stackage if you want to read the description":


I am a happy user of both caball-install and stack, and ideally I'd like 
to see the two ecosystems work more closely in the future, but at the 
very least, I'd like to see them coexist peacefully and respectfully, 
and not have individual packages "take sides."

> So I want to extend my gratitude and thanks to everyone working on any
> element of our open-source tooling and infrastructure, or even lending
> a voice to give insight into how to improve it.

In that vein, is there a place to file bugs against HaskellWiki?  Or is 
that one of the areas in need of a volunteer?  My own personal itch I'd 
like to scratch is the lack of diffs on the wiki:


Many thanks to the Haskell Committee, to FP Complete, and to all of the 
volunteers who work on Haskell!


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