[Haskell-community] Is it reasonable to poll the community on this ML?

Gershom B gershomb at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 15:21:13 UTC 2016

On August 29, 2016 at 11:15:19 AM, Paolo Giarrusso
(paolo.giarrusso at uni-tuebingen.de) wrote:

> If the poll was announced there, there would still be extra friction.
> But IIUC only the mailing list was announced there.

There is no poll. There is a modest discussion kicked off by Jason
Dagit (who used to serve on the committee, but has not been on it for
some time now) about a modest change (at this point swapping the
bitrotted minimal installers for the HP minimal installers which are
current). The committee does not operate by poll, it operates on the
basis of broad discussion (with this list being the preferred venue)
and then making choices amongst committee members as informed by that
discussion. This is laid out at

> I might understand the concern about archiving, but haskell-cafe
> solves that. And "the committee can't be expected to follow
> discussions" and "is empowered to act" does sound like "the committee
> can't be expected to listen to the community”.

It means that committee members should be expected to chase all over
social media and sort through lots of poor signal/noise ratio to find
potentially relevant discussions at all times. Rather, it is better to
centralize these things to the extent possible.That’s all.


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