[Haskell-cafe] Size-indexed monoids
Kosyrev Serge
skosyrev at ptsecurity.com
Wed Feb 22 15:34:39 UTC 2017
Good day!
What is the proper type class for stronger-typed (size-indexed) monoids:
- that is, monoids carrying their "size" in the type
- preferably as GHC.TypeLits.Nat
- preferably on Hackage
I'm quite prepared to the idea that a monoid is an entirely wrong abstraction,
from a category-theoretic standpoint, so I would gladly learn of a better one : -)
Use case:
> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, UnicodeSyntax, StandaloneDeriving #-}
> module Understanding.Types where
> import GHC.TypeLits
> data T (depth ∷ Nat) p where
> TZ ∷ T 0 p
> TS ∷ (Show p, CmpNat (m + 1) n ~ EQ) ⇒
> { payload ∷ p
> , next ∷ T m a } → T n a
> deriving instance Show p ⇒ Show (T d p)
> instance Monoid (T d p) where
> mempty = TZ
> mappend TZ TZ = TZ
> mappend TZ t@(TS _ _) = t
> mappend t@(TS _ _) TZ = t
> mappend tl@(TS pl nl) tr = TS pl $ mappend nl tr
As it is, even the mempty case rejects such a blatant violation of
polymorphism, since `T 0 p` cannot unify with `T n p`.
So, ideally (I think), I would like something like this:
> class TypedMonoid a where
> tmempty ∷ a 0
> tmappend ∷ a n → a m → a (n + m)
с уважениeм / respectfully,
Косырев Сергей
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-- Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
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