[Haskell-cafe] Size-indexed monoids
Ertugrul Söylemez
esz at posteo.de
Wed Feb 22 16:49:51 UTC 2017
> What is the proper type class for stronger-typed (size-indexed) monoids:
> - that is, monoids carrying their "size" in the type
> - preferably as GHC.TypeLits.Nat
> - preferably on Hackage
I don't think monoid is the correct term simply because it's indexed.
I've called them measured monoids, and the following approach seems to
work well:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
import GHC.Types (Type)
class TMonoid a where
type family Empty a :: a
type family Append a (x :: a) (y :: a) :: a
data Nat = Z | S Nat
instance TMonoid Nat where
type Empty Nat = Z
type Append Nat Z y = y
type Append Nat (S x) y = S (Append Nat x y)
class MeasuredMonoid (a :: n -> Type) where
mmEmpty :: a (Empty n)
mmAppend :: a n1 -> a n2 -> a (Append n n1 n2)
data Vec :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
Nil :: Vec a Z
Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (S n)
instance MeasuredMonoid (Vec a) where
mmEmpty = Nil
mmAppend Nil ys = ys
mmAppend (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (mmAppend xs ys)
I couldn't tell you whether there is a library for that though.
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