[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] sparkle: native Apache Spark applications in Haskell

Alp Mestanogullari alpmestan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 17:50:11 UTC 2016

Hello -cafe!

Recently at Tweag I/O we've been working on sparkle, a library for writing
(distributed) Apache Spark applications directly in Haskell!

We have published a blog post introducing the project (and some of its
challenges) here:

The corresponding repository lives at https://github.com/tweag/sparkle

While this is still early stage work, we can already write non-trivial
Spark applications in Haskell and have them run accross an entire cluster.
We obviously do not cover the whole Spark API yet (very, very far from
that) but would be glad to already get some feedback.


Alp Mestanogullari
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