[Haskell-cafe] About my commitment to my passions, Haskell and the world

Sumit Sahrawat, Maths & Computing, IIT (BHU) sumit.sahrawat.apm13 at iitbhu.ac.in
Wed Jun 17 09:12:20 UTC 2015

A tutorial about haskell tutorials:

On 17 June 2015 at 07:19, Jesus Gonzalez <laygr at outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody, I have a very important announcement.
> I’ve decided to dedicate the next big part of my life to improve the world
> through Haskell. And you can help! (I’m not asking for money…)
> I plan to go to live at a “poor” village where my grandparents live.
> Poor because it is very hard to get a higher education.
> My grandfather founded some time ago some schools nearby the village, but
> if people wanted to have a bright future, they had to leave the village. My
> father moved to the nearest capital city.
> The story repeated. My father and my mother (together with other people)
> founded a school at the city where I was born. I left this city to get an
> even higher education at one of the best universities of my continent.
> At college, I got the opportunity to study a year as an exchange student
> at one of the best CS universities in the world.
> Knowing that probably I would never be able to study at such a good
> university again, I took the hardest subjects I could. The first semester,
> I took 2 undergrad courses an 2 grad courses (Program Transformations,
> Software Design, etc…) This first semester was hard, but at the end I got
> ok grades, so I thought that maybe I could give a little bit more. For the
> next semester, I tried to encode the knowledge I acquired as clearly as I
> could. Very quickly, I got more interested in how to model this knowledge
> more than the knowledge itself. When I failed with Java, I turned to
> Haskell and so it begun.
> I did enjoy my time also. I got to see the inauguration of the Gates
> Computer Science Building, I found the time to play the piano and learned
> how to drive the bike without hands very well.
> When I returned, my parents kindly forced me to finish colleague. When I
> graduated, I got a scholarship for grad school (that I took, but I left 3
> months later) and a job making iOS and Android apps. I couldn’t use Haskell
> but I did work some months with F#.
> Now that I’ve seen the world, the good, the bad and the ugly things,
> Now that I’ve tasted the impoverishing money and repented,
> Now I’m ready, I flipped the arrows.
> The hardest thing so far has been to finish my NDA… I’m still on it…
> It looks like the story will repeat once more. I want to retreat my self
> and found a next generation school where my grandparents live. I believe
> that we need to create high performant Haskellers and that we owe to teach
> children as young and fast as they can happily take it.
> *I would appreciate encouragement, tutorials for all ages and levels of
> math encoded in Haskell, advice, anything good.*
> I’m already burning bridges!
> I’ll keep reporting.
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Sumit Sahrawat
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