[Haskell-cafe] ANN: MicrosoftTranslator-

Ernesto Rodriguez neto at netowork.me
Sun Aug 23 20:21:01 UTC 2015

Dear Cafe,

I needed to translate text in my Haskell code and Microsoft Translator[2]
seems to be the easiest and cheapest (free 2M chars/month) way to do it. I
wrapped my code in this package[1].

I tried to make it easy to use. If you plan to use Microsoft Translator in
Haskell but don't want to use my package, I still recommend you look at my
source code since the documentation in Microsoft's page appears to be
incorrect (I had to see the source code of the Python package to get it to

In any case, it is very easy to use:

> translate "clientId" "clientSecret" "hello" English German
Right "hallo"

It is in an early stage and I haven't added most of the languages supported
by Microsoft Translator. Pull requests are welcome :)

Best Regards,

Ernesto Rodriguez

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/MicrosoftTranslator-
[2] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/translator/default.aspx
Ernesto Rodriguez

Masters Student
Computer Science
Utrecht University

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