[Haskell-cafe] How to determine the right path to haddock html documentation?

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Mon Dec 16 15:01:03 UTC 2013

I'm glad that you've had positive experience with haskell-names.

Here's one caveat: haskell-names cannot use ghc's interface files to get
information about installed modules. Instead, it maintains its own
interface files. Which means that you'll have to install separately all
packages that you need to access using the hs-gen-iface compiler, as
described in the README.  Additionally, not all packages that can be
compiled by ghc can be compiled by haskell-names yet.

It's up to you and other ghc-mod users to decide whether this is


* Carlo Hamalainen <carlo at carlo-hamalainen.net> [2013-12-16 13:54:55+0100]
> On 14/12/13 15:02, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> > haskell-names can also do this (it's used in halberd to solve a similar
> > task: https://github.com/haskell-suite/halberd)
> This is quite useful, thanks.
> For the benefit of the list archive, here is what I have worked out so far.
> I took the example from
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC/As_a_library which uses
> getNamesInScope (I thought that this was promising). But it returned an
> empty list for the list of names (variable 'n'). I found out that you
> have to set the context before the call to getNamesInScope, like so:
> https://github.com/carlohamalainen/playground/blob/master/haskell/ghc_symbol_lookup/A.hs
>         target <- guessTarget targetFile Nothing
>         setTargets [target]
>         load LoadAllTargets
>         --
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11571520/reify-a-module-into-a-record
>         setContext [IIDecl (simpleImportDecl (mkModuleName "B"))]
>         modSum <- getModSummary $ mkModuleName "B"
> For example on this file,
> -- B.hs
> module B where
> import Data.Maybe
> f :: a -> Maybe a
> f x = Just x
> s = "boo" :: String
> main = print "Hello, World!"
> we can get the list of names and also the imports:
> $ runhaskell A.hs
> ([B.main, B.f, B.s],
>  [main, B.main, f, B.f, s, B.s],
>  [],
>  [import (implicit) Prelude, import Data.Maybe])
> I'm not sure why, but the "source imports" is an empty list, while the
> "textual imports" gives the implicit Prelude and Data.Maybe. Also the
> names are the program names like f, s, and main, and don't include
> things like String, Int, Just, and so on.
> Independently of that, I tweaked an example from the haskell-names docs
> and this lets me see where String comes from, e.g.
> https://github.com/carlohamalainen/playground/blob/master/haskell/ghc_symbol_lookup/haskell_names_example.hs
> $ cat B.hs | runhaskell haskell_names_example.hs
> Relevant bits:
> "Prelude"
> SymType {st_origName = OrigName { origPackage = Just (PackageIdentifier
> { pkgName = PackageName "base"
> , pkgVersion = Version {versionBranch = [4,7,0,0]
> , versionTags = []}})
>                                  , origGName = GName { gModule = "GHC.Base"
>                                                      , gName = "String"}}
>         , st_fixity = Nothing}
> "Data.Maybe"
> SymConstructor {sv_origName = OrigName { origPackage = Just
> (PackageIdentifier { pkgName = PackageName "base"
> , pkgVersion = Version {versionBranch = [4,7,0,0]
> , versionTags = []}})
>                                        , origGName = GName { gModule =
> "Data.Maybe"
>                                                            , gName =
> "Just"}}
>                                                            , sv_fixity =
> Nothing
>                                                            , sv_typeName
> = OrigName { origPackage = Just (PackageIdentifier { pkgName =
> PackageName "base"
> , pkgVersion = Version { versionBranch = [4,7,0,0]
> , versionTags = []}})
> , origGName = GName { gModule = "Data.Maybe"
> , gName = "Maybe"}}}
> This is pretty much what I'm after. The first block shows us that String
> is exported from the Prelude, even though it's defined in GHC.Base. The
> second block says that the constructor Just is actually exported from
> Data.Maybe.
> So these ought to able to be stitched together: work through the textual
> imports one at a time until a symbol appears and then find the
> haddock_html field for the package using ghc-pkg.
> -- 
> Carlo Hamalainen
> http://carlo-hamalainen.net
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