[Haskell-cafe] type variable in class instance

Corentin Dupont corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 12:55:20 CEST 2012

If I understand, the SomeEvent event acts as a proxy to hide the diversity
of the events? That's interesting.
This way I don't have to use an heterogeneous list and a lot of casting...

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:44 AM, <oleg at okmij.org> wrote:

> Let me see if I understand. You have events of different sorts: events
> about players, events about timeouts, events about various
> messages. Associated with each sort of event is a (potentially open)
> set of data types: messages can carry payload of various types. A
> handler specifies behavior of a system upon the reception of an
> event. A game entity (player, monster, etc) is a collection of
> behaviors. The typing problem is building the heterogeneous collection
> of behaviors and routing an event to the appropriate handler. Is this
> right?
> There seem to be two main implementations, with explicit types and latent
> (dynamic) types. The explicit-type representation is essentially HList
> (a Type-indexed Record, TIR, to be precise). Let's start with the
> latent-type representation. Now I understand your problem better, I
> think your original approach was the right one. GADT was a
> distraction, sorry. Hopefully you find the code below better reflects
> your intentions.
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
> import Data.Typeable
> -- Events sorts
> data Player = Player PlayerN PlayerStatus
>         deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
> type PlayerN = Int
> data PlayerStatus = Enetering | Leaving
>         deriving (Eq, Show)
> newtype Message m = Message m
>         deriving (Eq, Show)
> deriving instance Typeable1 Message
> newtype Time = Time Int
>         deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
> data SomeEvent = forall e. Typeable e => SomeEvent e
>         deriving (Typeable)
> -- They are all events
> class Typeable e => Event e where                       -- the Event
> predicate
>   what_event :: SomeEvent -> Maybe e
>   what_event (SomeEvent e) = cast e
> instance Event Player
> instance Event Time
> instance Typeable m => Event (Message m)
> instance Event SomeEvent where
>   what_event = Just
> -- A handler is a reaction on an event
> -- Given an event, a handler may decline to handle it
> type Handler e = e -> Maybe (IO ())
> inj_handler :: Event e => Handler e -> Handler SomeEvent
> inj_handler h se | Just e <- what_event se = h e
> inj_handler _ _ = Nothing
> type Handlers = [Handler SomeEvent]
> trigger :: Event e => e -> Handlers -> IO ()
> trigger e [] = fail "Not handled"
> trigger e (h:rest)
>   | Just rh <- h (SomeEvent e) = rh
>   | otherwise      = trigger e rest
> -- Sample behaviors
> -- viewing behavior (although viewing is better with Show since all
> -- particular events implement it anyway)
> view_player :: Handler Player
> view_player (Player x s) = Just . putStrLn . unwords $
>                               ["Player", show x, show s]
> -- View a particular message
> view_msg_str :: Handler (Message String)
> view_msg_str (Message s) = Just . putStrLn . unwords $
>                              ["Message", s]
> -- View any message
> view_msg_any :: Handler SomeEvent
> view_msg_any (SomeEvent e)
>   | (tc1,[tr]) <- splitTyConApp (typeOf e),
>     (tc2,_)    <- splitTyConApp (typeOf (undefined::Message ())),
>     tc1 == tc2 =
>         Just . putStrLn . unwords $ ["Some message of the type", show tr]
> view_msg_any _ = Nothing
> viewers = [inj_handler view_player, inj_handler view_msg_str, view_msg_any]
> test1 = trigger (Player 1 Leaving) viewers
> -- Player 1 Leaving
> test2 = trigger (Message "str1") viewers
> -- Message str1
> test3 = trigger (Message (2::Int)) viewers
> -- Some message of the type Int
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