[Haskell-cafe] type variable in class instance
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Wed Sep 12 07:44:55 CEST 2012
Let me see if I understand. You have events of different sorts: events
about players, events about timeouts, events about various
messages. Associated with each sort of event is a (potentially open)
set of data types: messages can carry payload of various types. A
handler specifies behavior of a system upon the reception of an
event. A game entity (player, monster, etc) is a collection of
behaviors. The typing problem is building the heterogeneous collection
of behaviors and routing an event to the appropriate handler. Is this
There seem to be two main implementations, with explicit types and latent
(dynamic) types. The explicit-type representation is essentially HList
(a Type-indexed Record, TIR, to be precise). Let's start with the
latent-type representation. Now I understand your problem better, I
think your original approach was the right one. GADT was a
distraction, sorry. Hopefully you find the code below better reflects
your intentions.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Data.Typeable
-- Events sorts
data Player = Player PlayerN PlayerStatus
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
type PlayerN = Int
data PlayerStatus = Enetering | Leaving
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Message m = Message m
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving instance Typeable1 Message
newtype Time = Time Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
data SomeEvent = forall e. Typeable e => SomeEvent e
deriving (Typeable)
-- They are all events
class Typeable e => Event e where -- the Event predicate
what_event :: SomeEvent -> Maybe e
what_event (SomeEvent e) = cast e
instance Event Player
instance Event Time
instance Typeable m => Event (Message m)
instance Event SomeEvent where
what_event = Just
-- A handler is a reaction on an event
-- Given an event, a handler may decline to handle it
type Handler e = e -> Maybe (IO ())
inj_handler :: Event e => Handler e -> Handler SomeEvent
inj_handler h se | Just e <- what_event se = h e
inj_handler _ _ = Nothing
type Handlers = [Handler SomeEvent]
trigger :: Event e => e -> Handlers -> IO ()
trigger e [] = fail "Not handled"
trigger e (h:rest)
| Just rh <- h (SomeEvent e) = rh
| otherwise = trigger e rest
-- Sample behaviors
-- viewing behavior (although viewing is better with Show since all
-- particular events implement it anyway)
view_player :: Handler Player
view_player (Player x s) = Just . putStrLn . unwords $
["Player", show x, show s]
-- View a particular message
view_msg_str :: Handler (Message String)
view_msg_str (Message s) = Just . putStrLn . unwords $
["Message", s]
-- View any message
view_msg_any :: Handler SomeEvent
view_msg_any (SomeEvent e)
| (tc1,[tr]) <- splitTyConApp (typeOf e),
(tc2,_) <- splitTyConApp (typeOf (undefined::Message ())),
tc1 == tc2 =
Just . putStrLn . unwords $ ["Some message of the type", show tr]
view_msg_any _ = Nothing
viewers = [inj_handler view_player, inj_handler view_msg_str, view_msg_any]
test1 = trigger (Player 1 Leaving) viewers
-- Player 1 Leaving
test2 = trigger (Message "str1") viewers
-- Message str1
test3 = trigger (Message (2::Int)) viewers
-- Some message of the type Int
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