[Haskell-cafe] haskell prop. logic

Patrick M patrickm7860 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 9 17:57:34 CET 2011

Hello all I'm working on a project and I'm down to my last 3 functions.I need 
some help(in any form) with them as I'm a beginner in haskell.I tried to create 
a description on how the functions should behave below ,if you still have some 
questions don't hesitate to ask.
Also here is the code for the function I've written so far(some with help). 
    propagateUnits :: Formula->Formula
If a clause in a propositional formula contains only one literal, then that 
literal must be true (so that the particular clause can be satisfied). When this 
happens,we can remove the unit clauses (the ones that contain only one literal), 
all the clauses where the literal appears and also,  from the remaining clauses, 
we can delete the negation of the literal (because if P is true, -P will be 
false).For example, in the formula (P v Q v R) ^ (-P v Q v -R) ^ (P) we have one 
unit clause (the third clause(P) ). Because this one has to be true for the 
whole formula to be true we assign True to P and try to find
a satisfying assignment for the remaining formula. Finally because -P cannot be 
true (given the assigned value of P) then the second clause is reduced by 
eliminating the symbol -P . This simplification results in the revised formula 
(Q v -R).
The resulting simplification can create other unit clauses. For example in the 
formula (-P v Q) ^ (P) is simplified to (Q) when the unit clause (P) is 
propagated. This makes (Q) a unit clause which can now also be simplified to 
give a satisfying assignment to the formula. The function should apply unit 
propagation until it can no longer make any further simplifications.
Note that if both P  and -P are unit clauses then the formula is unsatisfiable. 
In this case the function should return a formula with an empty clause in it to 
indicate that the formula could not be satisfied.

        update :: Node -> [Node]
The update function should take in a Node and return a list of the Nodes that 
result from assigning True to an unassigned atom in one case and False in the 
other (ie. a case
split). So the list returned should have two nodes as elements. One node should 
contain the formula with an atom assigned True and the model updated with this 
assignment, and the other should contain the formula with the atom assigned 
False and the model updated to show this. The lists of unassigned atoms of each 
node should also be updated accordingly. This function should use your 
implemented assign function to make the assignments. It should also use the 
chooseAtom function provided to select the literal to  assign.

    search :: (Node -> [Node]) -> [Node] -> Int -> (Bool, Int)
The search function should perform a backtracking search. The function takes the 
update function as input and uses it to generate nodes in the search space. The 
search function also takes in a list which has one element, the initial node 
consisting of the formula along with an initial model. It should generate nodes 
using the update function and check nodes using the given check function. If a 
node is unsatisfiable then it should
abandon that branch of the search. If a node is satisfiable then a satisfying 
assignment has been found and so it should return True. If a node is neither 
satisfiable or unsatisfiable then it should generate new nodes from this node. 
If all possible branches of the search space have been tried, i.e. the list of 
nodes to try has become the empty list, then it should return False since all 
possible assignments have been  tried. The search function also has an Int 
argument which should be an integer that tracks how many
calls to the update function have been made. The search function should return a 
pair consisting of the truth value of the formula and the number of calls to 
update made.

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