[Haskell-cafe] Synthetic values?

Cristiano Paris frodo at theshire.org
Wed Feb 9 18:15:42 CET 2011

Hi all,

I've a type problem that I cannot solve and, before I keep banging my
head against an unbreakable wall, I'd like to discuss it with the

Consider the following code:

module Main where

class PRead p where {}
class PWrite p where {}

newtype Sealed p a = Sealed a

instance Monad (Sealed p) where
	return = Sealed
	(Sealed x) >>= f = f x

mustRead :: PRead p => a -> Sealed p a
mustRead = Sealed

mustWrite :: PWrite p => a -> Sealed p a
mustWrite = Sealed

readLog :: PRead p => String -> Sealed p String
readLog = mustRead . id

writeLog :: PWrite p => String -> Sealed p String
writeLog = mustWrite . id

appendLog l e = do l <- readLog l
                   writeLog $ l ++ e

The central type of this code is Sealed, which boxes a value inside a
newtype with a phantom type which represents a "set of permissions".

This set of permissions is implemented through a series of type
classes (PRead and PWrite in this case) which are attached to the
permission value p of the Sealed newtype.

This way I can define which set of permissions I expect to be enforced
when trying to peel off the Sealed value. The use of the Monad class
and type classes as permissions behaves nicely when combining
functions with different permission constraints, as it's the case of
appendLog, whose type signature is:

appendLog  :: (PRead p, PWrite p) => String -> [Char] -> Sealed p String

Very nice, the permissions accumulates as constraints over the p type.
Now for the "peel-off" part:

unseal :: p -> Sealed p a -> a
unseal _ (Sealed x) = x

Basically this function requires a witness value of the type p to
peel-off the Sealed value. Notice that:

unseal undefined $ appendLog "Foo" "Bar"

won't work as the undefined value is unconstrained. That's good,
because otherwise it'd very easy to circumvent the enforcing
mechanism. So, I defined some "roles":

data User = User
data Admin = Admin

instance PRead User where {}

instance PRead Admin where {}
instance PWrite Admin where {}

If I try to unseal the Sealed value passing User, it won't succeed, as
the type checker is expecting the value of a type which is also an
instance of the PWrite class:

*Main> unseal User $ appendLog "Foo" "Bar"

    No instance for (PWrite User)
      arising from a use of `appendLog' at <interactive>:1:14-34

while works perfectly if I pass Admin as a value:

*Main> unseal Admin $ appendLog "Foo" "Bar"

The idea is to hide the Admin and User constructor from the programmer
and having two factory functions, checkAdmin and checkUser, which
checks whether the current user has the named role, something like:

checkAdmin :: IO Admin
checkUser :: IO User

where role checking happens in the IO Monad (or something similar),
a-là trusted kernel. So far so good and I'm very happy with that.

Now the problem.

I would like to enforce permissions not at the role level, but at the
permissions level. Let's say that I want to leave "unseal" unchanged,
I'd like to "construct" a p-value for unseal "combining" functions
checking for single permissions, that is, in pseudo-code:

unseal (checkPRead .*. checkPWrite) $ appendLog "Foo" "Bar"

where .*. is some kind of "type aggregation" operator.

Or maybe something like:

(checkPRead .*. checkPWrite) $ appendLog "Foo" "Bar"

So far I got only frustration. In principle it seems possible to
achieve this result because everything is known at compile time and
the type-checked should have all the information available to enforce
the security constraints.

Anyhow, I couldn't write any usable code.

Any help would be appreciated, even pointers to papers discussing this approach.

Thank you,


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