[Haskell-cafe] Possible bug in Control.Concurrent

Holger Reinhardt hreinhardt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 16:59:42 CET 2011

You've been bitten by the following bug:

In short, isEmptyChan will block because of the concurrent call to readChan.
The "solution" is to not use isEmptyChan or switch to STM.

2011/2/9 Krzysztof Skrzętnicki <gtener at gmail.com>

> Hello Cafe,
> Here is a simple program that yields strange results:
> module Main where
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Concurrent.Chan
> import Control.Monad
> main = do
>  c <- newChan
>  writeChan c 1
>  forkIO $ forever $ do
>    i <- readChan c
>    print ("forkio",i)
> isEmptyChan c >>= print
> First of all, if we try to run it via runhaskell, it will hang:
> runhaskell deadlock.hs
> ("forkio",1)
> -- no more output --
> Compiled version OTOH behaves differently dependent on compilation flags.
> Without -threaded:
> ./deadlock
> ("forkio",1)
> False
> With -threaded:
> ./deadlock
> False
> Now, this is strange thing: we put single element into the channel. We take
> it out. And then we see the channel isn't really empty. Perhaps there is a
> race condition here? So we put an delay, so that we will be sure the check
> for empty channel occurs 1 second later than the channel is emptied.
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Concurrent.Chan
> import Control.Monad
> main = do
>  c <- newChan
>  writeChan c 1
>  forkIO $ forever $ do
>    i <- readChan c
>    print ("forkio",i)
>   threadDelay 1000000
>  isEmptyChan c >>= print
> This program will misbehave. Invariably of -threaded flag it will go like
> this:
> ./deadlock
> ("forkio",1)
> deadlock: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation
> I have no idea what is the problem here. Perhaps I'm not using the library
> in the right way. Does anyone has any idea what's going on here?
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
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