[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell and scripting

Yitzchak Gale gale at sefer.org
Wed May 5 11:05:59 EDT 2010

Maciej Piechotka wrote:
> After change of file you have to wait a long time as it compiles and
> links with yi.

But Yi is a far bigger application than what Limestraël is talking
about. One of my computers is very old and much
less powerful than yours (let's just say that it has far less than
1 Gb memory in total). On that machine, xmonad, still much
larger than Limestraël's app, recompiles its configuration file
almost instantaneously. And of course, even that
fast recompile only happens when I change the configuration,
which is almost never.

I would try the xmonad approach to scripting in Haskell.
It is much simpler to implement than any of the others,
and much neater if you find that it works well.


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