[Haskell-cafe] Takusen ODBC - MS Access

Günther Schmidt gue.schmidt at web.de
Mon Aug 31 15:27:45 EDT 2009

Hi all,

recently I had problems getting Takusen ODBC to work with MS-Access on  

It seems, that the problems originated from Takusens UTF8 code, the path  
of the Access Database contains an Umlaut. This even causes problems when  
one does not specify a connection String but merely a DSN, no further  
problems occured when I moved the Access file directly to C:\.

I also could not get takusen to work with MS Text / CSV ODBC driver,  
irregardless of Umlauts, the exception was about some optional feature not  
implemented (on MS's ODBC site).

Could anyone suggest a work around?

I notice that when you're a haskeller on Win32 *and* German (the Umlauts),  
things become a bit more difficult than for the English / linux haskellers.


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