[Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

Sebastian Sylvan sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 07:53:27 EDT 2007

On 15/07/07, Hugh Perkins <hughperkins at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/15/07, Sebastian Sylvan <sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't see what the point of this is? Why do timings of different
> > algorithms? Of course you could do the same optimization in any
> > language, so why do you think it's relevant to change the algorithm in
> > *one* of the languages and then make comparisons?
> >
> Sebastien,
> Well, as you yourself said, different languages work differently, so there's
> no point in trying to directly implement the C# algorithm in Haskell: it
> just wont work, or it will be slow.  The same works from Haskell to C#.
> So, you guys are Haskell experts, show the world what Haskell is capable of.
>  Come up with algorithms to calculate prime numbers in Haskell that are:
> - safe
> - easy to understand/read/maintain
> - fast
>  I'll ditch the "sieve of arastophenes" rule if you like.  Use any algorithm
> you like.  Now that is fair I think?
> I in turn will do my part to keep the C# version a step ahead of the Haskell
> version.  It seems this is pretty easy :-D

Try this one then. I removed the unsafe reads...
Still, I think youre methodology sucks. If you want to compare
languages you should implement the same algorithm. Dons implemented a
Haskell version of your C++ algorithm, even though it wasn't optimal.
He didn't go off an implement some state-of-the-art primes algorithm
that was completey different now did he?
If this is about comparing languages, you should compare them fairly.

{-# OPTIONS -O2 -fbang-patterns #-}

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import System
import Control.Monad

import System.Time
import System.Locale

main = do starttime <- getClockTime
          let numberOfPrimes = (pureSieve 17984)
          putStrLn( "number of primes: " ++ show( numberOfPrimes ) )
          endtime <- getClockTime
          let timediff = diffClockTimes endtime starttime
          let secondsfloat = realToFrac( tdSec timediff ) +
realToFrac(tdPicosec timediff) / 1000000000000
          putStrLn( "Elapsed time: " ++ show(secondsfloat) )
          return ()

pureSieve :: Int -> Int
pureSieve n = runST( sieve n )

sieve n = do
	a <- newArray (2,n) True :: ST s (STUArray s Int Bool) -- an array of Bool	
	go a n 2 0

go !a !m !n !c
       | n == m    = return c
       | otherwise = do
               e <- readArray a n
               if e then let loop !j
                               | j < m     = do
                                   writeArray a j False
                                   loop (j+n)

                               | otherwise = go a m (n+1) (c+1)
                         in loop (n * n)
                    else go a m (n+1) c

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862

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